Links to ROPOS Remotely Operated Submersible operations videos.


Canadian Scientific Submersible Facility

Sidney BC Canada


Updated August 11 2014


New Videos About ROPOS


ROPOS Launch & Recovery System

ROPOS Subsea Navigation



Cabled Observatory Operations

Dive 1458 - Instrument deployments with tool basket

Dive 1459 – Trawl resistant Frame and Primary Node Deployment

Dive 1460 – 2 wire recovery of Trawl Resistant Frame and Node

Dive 1461 – Methane hydrate sampling and instrument platform recovery

Dive 1471 – Sensorbot instrument recovery with toolbasket

Dive 1552 – Neptune instrument platform deployment at Barkley Canyon

Dive 1548 – Cable installation operations at ODP1027

Dive 1546 – Instrument platform recovery to deck at Barkley Canyon

ROCLS cable spool deployment from deck

Neptune Cabled Observatory 2011 cruise highlights

Temperature probe installation in hydrothermal vent

COVIS hydrothermal vent imaging SONAR deployment

ROPOS carrying COVIS

ROPOS installing a cable at Main Endeavour Vent field.

ROPOS makes a connection

Deploying ROPOS with an instrument platform

Chief scientist update – ROPOS and the toolbasket

Chief scientist update – Mooring string deployments at Endeavour Ridge

Chief scientist update – Arrival at Endeavour Ridge

Vertical profiler and junction box deployment

Vertical profiler deployment 2

ODI underwater cable connector manipulation

ROPOS ROV cable laying system sea trial 2007

ROPOS ROV - Cruising with VENUS Underwater Observatory Part1

ROPOS ROV - Cruising with VENUS Part2

ROPOS ROV - Cruising with VENUS Part3

ROPOS ROV - Cruising with VENUS Part4



Subsea Volcanoes and Hydrothermal Vent Systems

Hydrothermal vent creatures. Exploring Axial Volcano hydrothermal vents

Dive 1467 – Axial volcano recent eruption, Snowblowers.

Dive 1468 – Hydrothermal vents and instrument deployment

Dive 1469 – Instrument deployment and recovery at hydrothermal vents

Dive 1470 – Fish, crabs at Axial volcano hydrothermal vent system

Dive 1471 – Site survey at Skadi’s Cauldron

Dive 1473 – Axial volcano exploration of recent lava flow

Dive 1474 – Biology at Southern Hydrate Ridge

Endeavour Ridge Hydrothermal vents. Tales from the blue.

Black clouds at Godzilla hydrothermal vent.

Black Smoker and Hot Vent Creatures

Deep sea ROV ballet

Halibut at 400 metres.



Creatures of the deep:

Dive 1465 – Sea cucumber, octopus, corals, sponges

Dive 1466 – Cable inspection, octopus, skates

ODP1027 Sea Spider at 2644 metres

Crabs feeding in methane hydrate gas bubble field

ROV attacked by squid

Ghostly Skate on Juan de Fuca Ridge

March of the sea pigs

Sea pig slow dance

Water column creatures

A large school of Pacific sunfish

Deep sea corals at Endeavour Ridge

Brittle star food fight

Kraki the octopus broods her eggs in a rice cooker

Microcosm on a sponge

Sea pen and sea cucumber at 2660 metres

Walking fish in the Southern Ocean

Glass sponges and deep sea corals – Dixon Entrance

Humboldt Squid in Barkley Canyon



Methane Hydrates

Dive 1464 – Methane hydrates and instrument recovery

Wally the hydrates crawler

Gas Hydrates overview



ROV Deck Operations.

ROPOS ROV recovery to deck with ToolBasket



Search and Recovery

Queen of the North wreck survey and equipment recovery

TSB Simulation of Queen of the North accident